Legal consulting about administrative and judicial rulings coming from regulative and supervising acts related to regulations or legislations which are prepared in scope of Law on Electricity Market, Law on Natural Gas Market, Law on Petroleum Market, Law on Liquefied Petroleum Gas Market which are put in force by EMRA, is provided. Legal consulting services are provided for the firms which operates or plan to in energy markets, in licensing, principals of operation, regulations about tariffs which are obligatory to comply, jurally relations between administration and consumers and legal entities operating in field of activity within the terms of vertical division of tasks. In this scope, legal consulting is provided -related to all kind of licensing, principals of operation, principals of tariff and pricing- to the firms operating in vertical separation of production, conduction, distribution and retail market sectors.
Advocacy services are provided in inspections, preliminary inquiries, investigations and administrative processes conducted by EMRA in energy markets in conformity with necessary delicacy and expertise.
Legal advocacy in administrative courts and state council is provided for the firms who are in dispute with EMRA due to its administrative decisions.